Friday, December 6, 2013

While you were out...

Jill has to stay home when I go to work. I don't like kenneling her because she really is a good dog 99% of the time! They say you shouldn't leave your dog in the kennel for more than 6 hours..... Well that's impossible I work a 8 hour day! Anyways I let her roam the house.... I've came home to her eating dry egg noodles that she got out of the pantry herself, ( I really think she was hungry because she hadn't been eating her food) , a Christmas present toy chewed up( if you know Jill then you understand- any type of children's toy or balls, left on the ground Jill will try to play fetch with) and an accident(no ones perfect) . It's been getting harder for her to adjust to living on our own in our own place. I pretty much have a routine at night and in the morning and she knows. She tries to follow me real close, get into the car, or give me hugs:(::::. It makes it hard to go to work somedays.( I can't imagine what it's like with a real baby!) 

I've heard of doggie day cares, where you drop your dog off for the day to play and get walked while you're working, etc. I live in the middle of corn fields, so there are no daycares close enough to consider. I don't no if I would pay for it or not?

Does anyone have any tips for leaving your dog at home ? Or advice on the doggie day care?

Sunday, December 1, 2013

First blog ever for Jill and I!

Well I have so many different ideas of where to start off of. I guess I will begin with how I got her.

I used to live with a older couple, in which she bred border collies. Except it's not what you think, one of the her customers got Jill as a barter system, and then after having Jill for a year, Jill wouldn't herd anymore after getting trampled by sheep. The lady sadly had too many dogs of her own and didn't want Jill since she couldn't herd. So the breeder went picked her up and took her home. At the time I was dating the breeders son and she told him about this dog and asked if he would train her and work with her. - 

I have to recognize him for working with me and training her, he did a fabulous job. I learned a lot from him, unfortunately. 

So you see we trained and loved her and then I fell in love with her! 

So that's how I got her as my adopted baby!